Credits Relaxation Music: The Complete Series The Amnis Initiative A series of interconnected relaxation music tracks, originally released individually, over a time-span of more than a year, periodically expanding the series. This music is also available as remixed, as an exclusive digital release with an added bonus track. The soft and mystical sounds aim to calm the soul and rest your body.
Every 'Relaxation Music' release is conceived to slow down your mind, helping you concentrate on the music and therefore tuning out from the rest of the world. Upon completion, the tracks were bundled into one digital download, available on selected platforms. Each part was released separately, periodically expanding the series. Relaxation Music: The Complete Series Amnis took a break, by releasing a series of interconnected relaxation music tracks.
Chill Out Relax Descarga gratuita de Chill Out Relax mp3 gratis. Helping you concentrate on the music and therefore tuning out from the rest of the world. Upon completion, the tracks were bundled into one digital download.
Amnis, in Latin: 'Broad, deep flowing, rapid water stream, torrent, river ocean liquid current. A series of six Relaxation Music releases by The Amnis Initiative.